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Subway 3 1/4x8 Inch

Subway 3 1/4x8 Inch

A square foot consists of 5.5 tiles, each measuring 3 1/4 x 8 inches (82.55 x 200 mm), covering a total area of 26 square inches per tile.

Our 3 1/4 x 8-inch tile is available in two distinct profiles: Classic and Reverse. The Reverse profile replicates the look of a tile's backside, offering a handmade, beveled appearance. To ensure uniformity and ease of installation, we’ve created specialized molds that achieve this unique look with precision. The Reverse profile is especially loved for its extra glaze pooling along the edges, adding character and depth to any project.

Renwick Tiles offers a variety of sizes in Subway or Rectangular styles, often referred to as Metro or Classic tiles.

All Renwick Tiles are available in our curated stock colors. Additionally, we have an extensive library of custom colors we've crafted for past clients, ensuring a wide range of options to suit any project.

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